410 Lawn Guy

Should You Rake or Mulch Leaves?

Should You Rake or Mulch LeavesRake or Mulch Leaves? That is the Question

Should you rake or mulch your leaves? Which is better? It’s coming up to the end of the year. For many of us, it’s time to look ahead and prepare for what 2022 will bring. This is especially true for those that take pride in and love gardening – the promise of Spring and all that it entails is an exciting thought. One of the ways that many gardeners prep for Spring is either by mulching or raking up the leaves in their backyard. However, these processes are up for debate about what’s more effective and better for the yard. This blog by 410 Lawn Guy will help you understand what method you should use for your final yard cleanup of the year.

The Pros of Mulching Leaves

There are plenty of pros for mulching leaves for your final cleanup of the year. Mulching is good for the soil because it breaks down and boosts the quality of the soil. When the leaves break down, they release critical gases and elements that can benefit the lawn in the long run. It’s also much faster than raking, plus less physically demanding. So, if you don’t want to spend an entire cold December weekend dedicated to your lawn, mulch your leaves instead!

The Cons of Mulching Leaves

Unfortunately, there are some downsides to mulching. It can initially be a high-cost operation due to the fact you’ll need the right mower with a curved mulching blade. Thankfully, you can often purchase this as an additional feature for your existing mower instead of buying an entirely new one. Plus, if your lawn has pine needles, mulching won’t work. This is due to the leaf texture and shape. Finally, your end-of-year mulch will not be an annual process. Instead, you’ll have to do it multiple times a year.

The Pros of Raking Leaves

Raking leaves is a well-known way to deal with lawn build-up, and it can be particularly beneficial for an end-of-year clear-up! With raking, you know that your grass will stay healthy due to the aerating effect generated by the process itself. Fallen leaves tend to smother your lawn, so raking will ensure that your backyard stays free of mold and disease.

The Cons of Raking Leaves

Raking leaves also has cons. It’s a daunting task, particularly if you’re not fond of heading out into the yard multiple times a year during fall and winter. If you have a large yard or a lot of trees, then there will be a lot of leaves that you’ll need to keep under control. This also means that it could be a costly process, particularly if your city doesn’t allow you to place leaves in a regular trash can. You might need to outsource to an external company if this is the case.

It seems that both methods have their pros and cons! We here at 410 Lawn Guy support either choice for your yard, so it truly depends on your personal preference. And of course, if you need further advice, or want to hire us to do it instead, give us a call. We’d love to help you with your final yard clear-up of the year.

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