How Early is Too Early to Seed in the Spring?

How Early is Too Early to Seed in the Spring?

We may be just getting into winter here in Maryland, but some are already thinking about prepaing to seed in the spring. There are so many things to do to prepare for the new season. It’s time to start planning out your garden, determining if you need to make changes to your landscape design, and getting your seeds ready to germinate. As you look out the window at your yard, are you wondering how early is too early to seed in the spring? The brown patches of grass and bare spots full of mud after the snow has melted are an eyesore for many. Unfortunately, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow as he came out of his hole. So we have at least six more weeks of winter with which to contend. That doesn’t mean we can’t make plans for the spring that will eventually come our way. One of the challenges of living in Maryland is our hot and cold overlapping climate puts us in the transition zone. It makes it harder to determine the best time in spring to begin seeding. Why Timing and Seed Choice Matter If you seed too early, you risk the soil being too cold