Is it Okay to Mow Leaves Instead of Raking?

Is it Okay to Mow Leaves Instead of Raking?

Shade trees are wonderful to combat the intense heat of summer but come fall, homeowners might sing a different tune. You’ve watched the healthy green leaves turn into beautiful hues of yellow, orange, and red.  Now, they’re falling off to settle on the ground below. You let out a big sigh because you know that means one thing. It’s time to rake up those once beautiful leaves before winter comes. But, is it okay to mow leaves instead? The chore of raking leaves can be time-consuming, back-breaking, exhausting work, especially if you have a big yard and lots of trees. If raking up all those leaves keeps getting added back to your to-do list, you may have another option. Is it okay to mow leaves instead of raking?  Yes, it’s alright to put the rake down and turn on the lawnmower to handle the leaves on the ground. In fact, over the years, studies have confirmed it’s actually better for your lawn to mulch the leaves rather than rake them. Here are a few benefits you can expect from mowing your leaves instead of raking them. Fewer Weeds When mulched into small pieces, the leaves will naturally fall between the